Archive | January 17, 2016

Computer Gaming to develop Writing

Last week in Literacy, we had a fantastic time.  Mr R allowed us to play a computer game for twenty minutes during Literacy!  The game was called Epic Citadel, and was a game which was on the iPads and tablets which allowed us to walk through a virtual town called Epic Citadel.  The town was an ancient town which had a church, castle and even a raging river.  After playing the game, we all wrote down descriptive words about the different parts of the town.  We did this in groups and then made word clouds about these.  We found that the descriptive words which we got from playing the game were better as it was as though we had been and visited the town in real life.  We then wrote descriptions about the town, followed by flashbacks which retold the story about why the town had nobody living there.  We had so much fun with our creative writing this week.  Let us know what you thought about using computer games for making your writing better using the comments link.

This entry was posted on January 17, 2016. 6 Comments