Scratch Coding

Today, we have begun to code using the website Scratch for the first time.  This website allows us to produce animations, computer games and computer based drawing using a special coding language called ‘Scratch’.  Already, we have really enjoyed using Scratch and have begun to code our own simple animations and even simple computer games too.  We will keep you posted on how we get on with this.

9 thoughts on “Scratch Coding

  1. I loved using scratch and i thought making a penguin game was so much fun and before this i already made games with my dad on scratch it was fun to use it at school 🙂

  2. I have now got the book you recommended and I’m excited to start having a go as before this I had already used scratch and made games with my dad 🙂

  3. I have been really enjoying doing drawing, games and doing the epic citadel one in digital leaders! I think me and SC are enjoying the epic citadel one!

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