Epic Citadel – Using computer games to improve our writing.

WordCloud Epic Citadel

Over the last few weeks, we have used the computer game Epic Citadel to help us to develop our writing.  We played the game on the tablets and iPads by walking through the town.  We then worked in groups to write descriptive words and phrases about each part of the town.  These were also put into word clouds so we could work out the words which were the most commonly used in our descriptions.  Using precise language and different sentence openers, we wrote narratives and flashbacks about the town.  We found that our stories were really powerful – giving the reader a feeling of actually being in the story themselves and letting them have empathy with the character.  We can’t wait to use computer games to help with our writing again soon.  Here are some of our pieces of writing.  Please add a comment below to let us know what you think about them.

Epic Citadel example 1           Epic Citadel example 2                Epic Citadel example 3                                       Epic citadel example 4

10 thoughts on “Epic Citadel – Using computer games to improve our writing.

  1. I couldn’t believe how well the assembly went, it was certainly ‘Out of this world’ and my parents thought it was absolutely amazing!

  2. Wow!!! I have just read all the writing and I thought it was all exceptional and the people who read them out in assembly were really good too!

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